maanantai 13. huhtikuuta 2020


Hello again!

In Dynaflow, there was everything ok. Just all new seals and gaskets, and little bit cleaning and it was okay.
But when we were assembling an engine and Dynaflow together, the bell housing cracked.
So we had to take out a whole torque converter again. 🙈
Bell housing is made of aluminum and we don't have TIG or anything, so we took it to Rewon Motors. Those guys have a real skills, what comes in welding!
So Dynaflow went back on it's place with one new scar, but that happens sometimes.

This time we took a little better pics of a whole thing, so if you need some help or photos with restoring Dynaflow, just ask! 😃


This is where the Magic happens!

Some magic happens in here too. 🧙

Whoops. Back together.

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